Tudor zoekt een Studio / Kamer in Delft

Tudor zoekt: Een Studio / Kamer in Delft

  • Studio / Kamer
  • Min. 147 m2
  • Man
  • 01 Per 01 juli 2024

Hello, all!
I am Tudor. I’m 20 years old and I am going to start my 2nd year in Computer Science BSc at TU Delft, in the autumn of 2024. I’m looking for a 5 bedroom appartment for me and my coleague students, in the Delft area, starting with June-July 2023. Our budget per person is between €500 - €750. We are an international group of 2 Romanians, 2 Dutch and a Swiss.
We are responsible, orderly, clean and mannered people.
If you are looking for a group like ours to rent to and think that we could be the right choice, please send me a private message here or email tudor05@yahoo.ro.
Tudor Petcu

Algemene informatie: Tudor
  Man, 20 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Computer Science BSc TuDelft (UNIVERSITEIT)